Joseph Smith, Jr, founder of the
Mormon movement, and George J. Adams, one of his least known
followers--two Gentile dreamers of Zion--were instrumental in
encouraging Jews and Christians to support the restoration of Israel.
For Joseph Smith, Jewish responsibility for establishing
Zion had not
been forfeited or terminated. It was continuous: the Jews would return
as Jews; they would rebuild Jerusalem as Jews. In his view, neither the
denigration of Jews so often characteristic of Christianity, nor
supersession by the Church, was tenable. According to Joseph's
perception of the Scriptures, and his own prophetic insights, there are
to be two strategic centers--Zion at historical Jerusalem, and Zion in
a New Jerusalem in the heartland of America. He believed that a renewed
Israel and a church, restored to its primal purpose, shared a mandate
to body forth in society the dream of the Kingdom of God. He called
dream the cause of Zion, which became a major emphasis of the Mormon
Adams, separated from the Mormons following the
assassination of Joseph
Smith in 1844, founded his own Church of the Messiah. Most of his
congregations were in Maine, where he readied his followers for a
mission as the "Children of Ephraim," which he explicated with
persuasive skill from the Old Testament. Later he led 156 of his
followers to found an agricultural and commercial colony in Jaffa,
This book explains the rejection by Smith and Adams of
Christian replacement theology and sets out the apologetics by which
Smith and Adams promoted courage and conviction in all who joined them
in encouraging the ingathering of the Jewish exiles to Jerusalem.